News from 12/18/15 12:00am to 5/24/16 12:00am
- May 24, 2016
Meeting Minutes
May 17, 2016
The meeting of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company was called to order at 7:05 PM by Bill Archibald, president.Present
Board members – Bill Archibald, David Richman, Blair Hafner, Christopher Klein and Hal Cady. There were no water users present.Financial
Current cash assets $295,416.00.New Business
The state left in Place the mandatory 25% reduction in water usage, but did not increase it.
As a reminder the following are the states drought stage 1 water restrictions that are in effect:
1. No watering between 10AM and 5PM
2. The application of water to outdoor landscaping in a manner that causes runoff onto adjacent properties, non-irrigated areas, private and public walkways, roadways, parking lots or structures.
3. Use of a hose to wash a motor vehicle, except where the hose is fitted with a shut-off nozzle.
4. Using water to wash down driveways and sidewalks.
5. The use of potable water in an outdoor fountain or other decorative water feature, except where the water is part of a water recirculation system.
6. Application of water to outdoor landscaping during or 48 hours after measurable rainfall. (The state defines a measurable rain event as puddles are formed or run-off occurring).
A motion was placed on the floor not to adopt the Level 2 water restriction By David and seconded by Blair. Motion approved 5-0.
Motion was placed on the floor to remain in level 1 water restrictions for this year by Chris and seconded by Blair. Motion passed 5-0.
There was a discussion to change the standard base rate. Discussed were the gallons per minute limitations on the two existing wells and the water level drop that has occurred in the two wells. The system was designed to provide each household with 160,000 thousand gallons of water per year, any use above places a strain on the system. The board proposed the rates as follows:
Base rate- 0-160,000 gallons water@ $65.00 per month. Unchanged
Tier 1- 160,001-210,000 gallons water @ $5.00 per thousand gallons. Price unchanged, water amount dropped from 100,000 gallons to 50,000 gallons.
Tier 2- 210,001-310,000 gallons water @$15.00 per thousand gallons. Rate would go from $7.50 per thousand to $15.00 per thousand gallons of water used.
Tier 3- 310,001 gallons of water and above @ 420.00 per thousand gallons of water used. The rate would go from $10.00 per thousand to $20.00 per thousand.
The board will address the rate increase at a future meeting and would like input.
The board voted 5-0 to change insurance providers to a less expensive California Rural Water pool insurance.
The board discussed moving the main water line running along 4 properties on Crowley Lake Drive. The line was placed on private property years ago. Due to aging lines and the added potential liability the board made a motion to approve up to $45,000 dollars to move the line and place it the easement along Crowley Lake Drive. Motion passed 5-0.
Executive Session
The board went into executive session to discuss private matters.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35
Minutes by Hal Cady- April 14, 2016
Board Meeting May 17, 2016 7:00 PM
A Board meeting will be held at the home of President Bill Archibald, 297 Sierra Springs Dr. Crowley Lake, to discuss implementing the stage 2 drought water restrictions. Please RSVP to Bill at (760) 935-4991 if you plan to attend. Depending upon the number of attendees, the date and location of the Board meeting may change.
At the general meeting last December, the Board adopted but did not implement the stage two restrictions. Last year we barely met the State mandated reduction. Early in the season, assisted by rainfall, our reductions exceeded the requirement. However, in August and September, our usage skyrocketed. We barely met the required reduction, risking a fine and limited outdoor irrigation to two days a week.
The following table outlines our rate structures for single family residents, with all other users adjusted accordingly.
Standard Rates
Drought Stage 1
Drought Stage 2
Base Rate/ included Gallons
$65/month 160,000 gallons
$65/month 160,000 gallons
$65/month 160,000 gallons
Tier 1
160,001-260,000 $5.00/1000 gallons
160,001-260,000 $10.00/1000 gallons
160,001-210,000 $10.00/1000 gallons
Tier 2
260,001-360,000 $7.50/1000 gallons
260,001-360,000 $15.00/1000 gallons
210,001-310,000 $20.00/1000 gallons
Tier 3
360,001 and above $10.00/1000 gallons
360,001 and above $20.00/1000 gallons
310,001 and above $30.00/1000 gallons
The goal is to reduce consumption, avoid a fine from the state and also avoid being forced to water a maximum of two times each week. The easiest solution is for those in the upper ranges of water usage to further reduce their usage. If that does not happen then the rest of the company must cut back to meet state requirements.
Please: stop watering between 10AM and 5 PM. Shut down watering when it is raining. We need the cooperation of the entire company to meet our goals.
Bill Archibald, President, MMMWC
- April 14, 2016
- Quarterly Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 15,103 15,103 75,000 20% Hook Up fees - - - Commercial Water Sales 200 200 - Late Charges 235 235 450 52% Interest Income 197 197 500 39% Miscellaneous Income - - - TOTAL REVENUES 15,735 15,735 75,950 21% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,036 1,036 5,700 18% Insurance 711 711 3,200 22% Legal Services - - 1,000 0% Office Supplies & Postage 204 204 1,600 13% Taxes - - 825 0% Telephone 178 178 720 25% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2,128 2,128 13,045 16% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 10,483 10,483 42,000 25% Maintenance & Repairs 3,832 3,832 25,000 15% Water Testing - - 1,000 0% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 14,315 14,315 68,000 21% UTILITIES Electricity 4,083 4,083 25,000 16% TOTAL UTILITIES 4,083 4,083 25,000 16% TOTAL EXPENSES 20,526 20,526 106,045 19% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) (4,791) (4,791) (30,095) 16% - January 13, 2016
- Financial Reports- Quarter ending 12/31/15
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 29,228 77,906 72,845 107% Hook Up fees - 10,000 - Commercial Water Sales 100 500 - Late Charges 185 666 450 148% Interest Income 159 510 50 1020% Miscellaneous Income - - - TOTAL REVENUES 29,672 89,582 73,345 122% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - 561 Accounting Services 1,084 5,104 5,700 90% Insurance 711 2,813 4,500 63% Legal Services - - 1,000 0% Office Supplies & Postage 678 1,657 1,600 104% Taxes - 825 825 100% Telephone 177 686 720 95% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2,649 11,646 14,345 81% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 10,483 41,932 69,836 60% Maintenance & Repairs 4,104 21,532 25,000 86% Water Testing - 764 1,000 76% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 14,587 64,228 95,836 67% UTILITIES Electricity 5,677 19,684 33,000 60% TOTAL UTILITIES 5,677 19,684 33,000 60% TOTAL EXPENSES 22,912 95,558 143,181 67% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) 6,760 (5,976) (69,836) 9% - December 18, 2015
Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company
Annual Meeting Minutes
December 2, 2015Opening
The meeting of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company was called to order at 7:02 on December 2, 2015 by Bill Archibald , president.Present
Board Members- Bill Archibald, David Richman, Blair Hafner, Christopher Klein, Hal Cady. Also Present Rick LaBorde, Cynthia Cady.Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the last annual meeting where read and approved by the board.President Opening remarks
The Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company met the State mandated 25% reduction in water use, so there will be no mandatory two day a week watering.
Two new houses were started this summer and they were charged Five Thousand dollars each for connection/hook-up to the water system.
There was a Structure Fire in the MMMWC, a first. It was decided by the Board that the amount of water used by the Fire Department to extinguish the fire would count as water usage and applied toward the resident’s annual usage amount.
The telemetry was changed to the pumps allowing us to take advantage of reduced Edison rates. (Change the time pumps are run).
MMMWC contracted with a company to inspect the pipelines, no leaks were detected.
There were several complaints from new property owners about them having to pay for water use overages. The new owner is responsible for the overages and the issue should be addressed in escrow.Financial Report
There is currently $98,582 in the operating account.
There is $20,400 in cash assets
Twenty people went over their 160,000 gallon water allotment for a total excess usage charge of $14,250. For comparison: Last year 38 people went over their allotment for $22,000 and the year before that it was 51 people over for $26,000. The excess charges were also increased for this last year.System Report
All wells and systems are working normally.
Changed the pumping hours to save on Edison costs. Had problem with well 5’s telemetry problem fixed.
There was not much change in the wells’ water levels from a year ago.
Well 1 and 4, not used except in emergencies.
Well 3, static 61.5 feet. Draw down (pumping) 216 feet.
Well 5, static 136 feet. Draw down (pumping) 380 feet.
Water conservation measures by owners was good for most of the year, but the months of August and September saw a large water usage increase that almost put us over the State mandated 25% water use reduction.
Discussed problem with pop off valve on hill. Gravel and pumice caused valve to stick open. Valve will be cleaned bi-monthly to try and solve problem.
MMMWC Passed the yearly water quality test, good water quality.Rate Discussion
There will be no increase in the base rate increase this year.
The board proposed and approved a level two drought contingency to the water rate use tiers. The decision to implement will happen early next spring. The new tiers are as follows:
Base 0-160,000 gallons $65 per month
1st Tier 160,001-210,000 gallons. Rate of $10 per thousand gallons used.
2nd Tier 210,001-310,000 gallons. Rate $20 per thousand gallons used.
3rd Tier 310,001-400,000 gallons. Rate $30 per thousand gallons used.
The condos will have their tiers adjusted accordingly.
Election of Board members
With the members present and the proxies received, there was not a quorum to hold the election. The board will remain the same.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:58PM