News from 7/20/15 12:00am to 12/18/15 12:00am
- December 18, 2015
Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company
Annual Meeting Minutes
December 2, 2015Opening
The meeting of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company was called to order at 7:02 on December 2, 2015 by Bill Archibald , president.Present
Board Members- Bill Archibald, David Richman, Blair Hafner, Christopher Klein, Hal Cady. Also Present Rick LaBorde, Cynthia Cady.Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the last annual meeting where read and approved by the board.President Opening remarks
The Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company met the State mandated 25% reduction in water use, so there will be no mandatory two day a week watering.
Two new houses were started this summer and they were charged Five Thousand dollars each for connection/hook-up to the water system.
There was a Structure Fire in the MMMWC, a first. It was decided by the Board that the amount of water used by the Fire Department to extinguish the fire would count as water usage and applied toward the resident’s annual usage amount.
The telemetry was changed to the pumps allowing us to take advantage of reduced Edison rates. (Change the time pumps are run).
MMMWC contracted with a company to inspect the pipelines, no leaks were detected.
There were several complaints from new property owners about them having to pay for water use overages. The new owner is responsible for the overages and the issue should be addressed in escrow.Financial Report
There is currently $98,582 in the operating account.
There is $20,400 in cash assets
Twenty people went over their 160,000 gallon water allotment for a total excess usage charge of $14,250. For comparison: Last year 38 people went over their allotment for $22,000 and the year before that it was 51 people over for $26,000. The excess charges were also increased for this last year.System Report
All wells and systems are working normally.
Changed the pumping hours to save on Edison costs. Had problem with well 5’s telemetry problem fixed.
There was not much change in the wells’ water levels from a year ago.
Well 1 and 4, not used except in emergencies.
Well 3, static 61.5 feet. Draw down (pumping) 216 feet.
Well 5, static 136 feet. Draw down (pumping) 380 feet.
Water conservation measures by owners was good for most of the year, but the months of August and September saw a large water usage increase that almost put us over the State mandated 25% water use reduction.
Discussed problem with pop off valve on hill. Gravel and pumice caused valve to stick open. Valve will be cleaned bi-monthly to try and solve problem.
MMMWC Passed the yearly water quality test, good water quality.Rate Discussion
There will be no increase in the base rate increase this year.
The board proposed and approved a level two drought contingency to the water rate use tiers. The decision to implement will happen early next spring. The new tiers are as follows:
Base 0-160,000 gallons $65 per month
1st Tier 160,001-210,000 gallons. Rate of $10 per thousand gallons used.
2nd Tier 210,001-310,000 gallons. Rate $20 per thousand gallons used.
3rd Tier 310,001-400,000 gallons. Rate $30 per thousand gallons used.
The condos will have their tiers adjusted accordingly.
Election of Board members
With the members present and the proxies received, there was not a quorum to hold the election. The board will remain the same.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:58PM- October 31, 2015
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company (“MMMWC”) will be held at the Crowley Lake Community Center at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 02, 2015 for the following purposes:
1. President’s opening remarks.
2. Approve the minutes of the 2014 annual meeting.
3. Review financial status, capital expenditures and financial needs.
4. Provide update on wells and system
5. Discuss water conservation policies/emergency drought rates
6. Rate discussion and changes.
7. Discuss any other business that comes before the Shareholders.
8. Elect new Board of Directors.Only the Shareholders of record at the close of business on December 01, 2015 will be entitled to vote at the meeting.
- October 15, 2015
- Quarterly Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 17,178 48,678 72,845 67% Hook Up fees - 10,000 - Commercial Water Sales 400 400 - Late Charges 191 481 450 107% Interest Income 115 351 50 702% Miscellaneous Income - - - TOTAL REVENUES 17,884 59,910 73,345 82% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - 561 Accounting Services 1,622 4,020 5,700 71% Insurance 711 2,102 4,500 47% Legal Services - - 1,000 0% Office Supplies & Postage 384 980 1,600 61% Taxes 825 825 825 100% Telephone 175 509 720 71% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 3,716 8,997 14,345 63% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 10,483 31,449 69,836 45% Maintenance & Repairs 5,372 17,427 25,000 70% Water Testing 764 764 1,000 76% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 16,619 49,640 95,836 52% UTILITIES Electricity 5,668 14,008 33,000 42% TOTAL UTILITIES 5,668 14,008 33,000 42% TOTAL EXPENSES 26,002 72,645 143,181 51% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) (8,118) (12,735) (69,836) 18% - August 14, 2015
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is offering a rebate program for removing turf and replacing it with low water using landscapes at California single-family residences to support the State's drought response. For more information on the program's history, go to the DWR turf site at
- July 20, 2015
- Quarterly Income and Expenses
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 16,396 31,500 72,845 43% Hook Up fees 5,000 10,000 - Commercial Water Sales - - - Late Charges 205 290 450 64% Interest Income 114 236 50 472% Miscellaneous Income - - - TOTAL REVENUES 21,715 42,026 73,345 57% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables 561 561 Accounting Services 1,278 2,399 5,700 42% Insurance 698 1,391 4,500 31% Legal Services - - 1,000 0% Office Supplies & Postage 324 596 1,600 37% Taxes - - 825 0% Telephone 174 334 720 46% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 3,035 5,281 14,345 37% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 10,483 20,966 69,836 30% Maintenance & Repairs 8,053 12,056 25,000 48% Water Testing - - 1,000 0% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 18,536 33,022 95,836 34% UTILITIES Electricity 4,417 8,340 33,000 25% TOTAL UTILITIES 4,417 8,340 33,000 25% TOTAL EXPENSES 25,988 46,643 143,181 33% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) (4,273) (4,617) (69,836) 7%