News from 7/22/16 12:00am to 10/19/16 12:00am
- October 19, 2016
- Quarterly Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 17,705 50,424 75,000 67% Hook Up fees 5,000 10,000 - Commercial Water Sales 390 690 - Late Charges (275) 226 450 50% Interest Income 256 672 500 134% Miscellaneous Income - - - TOTAL REVENUES 23,076 62,011 75,950 82% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,696 3,877 5,700 68% Insurance 471 1,829 3,200 57% Legal Services 5,425 5,475 1,000 548% Office Supplies & Postage 622 1,088 1,600 68% Taxes 800 825 825 100% Telephone 177 532 720 74% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 9,191 13,626 13,045 104% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 10,483 31,449 42,000 75% Maintenance & Repairs 8,960 16,662 25,000 67% Water Testing - 764 1,000 76% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 19,443 48,875 68,000 72% UTILITIES Electricity 7,526 16,232 25,000 65% TOTAL UTILITIES 7,526 16,232 25,000 65% TOTAL EXPENSES 36,159 78,734 106,045 74% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) (13,083) (16,723) (30,095) 56% - September 8, 2016
Board Meeting Minutes
David provided an update of the system, with everything operating. Replacement of the main on Crowley Lake Drive is progressing.
The Board adopted the new rate structure, effective October 1st, on a vote of four to one.
The Board approved unanimously any and all collection activities, as outlined in the bylaws, to collect an outstanding debt by a member.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
- September 1, 2016
Fall is here!
With shorter and cooler days, along with the "fall like" nighttime
temperatures, now is the perfect time to start reducing your outside
irrigation with the intent of all watering being completed by October
1st; so your sprinklers can be blown out.It is also a good time to check your meter pit for additional
insulation, bringing the dirt level up to the outside rim. Over time,
the dirt may erode and with freezing temperatures and little snow on
the ground, your meter may freeze.- August 24, 2016
Board Meeting
There will be a Board meeting on September 8th, at 7:45pm,to be held at the community center.
The agenda will include:
System update.
Consider adoption of previously released rate structure.
Authorize legal counsel to proceed with a Superior Court action to collect an assessment/repair bill from a current member.
- July 22, 2016
- Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 17,615 32,719 75,000 44% Hook Up fees 5,000 5,000 - Commercial Water Sales 100 300 - Late Charges 266 501 450 111% Interest Income 219 416 500 83% Miscellaneous Income - - - TOTAL REVENUES 23,200 38,935 75,950 51% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,145 2,181 5,700 38% Insurance 648 1,358 3,200 42% Legal Services 50 50 1,000 5% Office Supplies & Postage 262 466 1,600 29% Taxes 25 25 825 3% Telephone 178 355 720 49% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2,308 4,435 13,045 34% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 10,483 20,966 42,000 50% Maintenance & Repairs 3,870 7,702 25,000 31% Water Testing 764 764 1,000 76% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 15,117 29,432 68,000 43% UTILITIES Electricity 4,623 8,705 25,000 35% TOTAL UTILITIES 4,623 8,705 25,000 35% TOTAL EXPENSES 22,047 42,573 106,045 40% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) 1,153 (3,638) (30,095) 12%