- March 5, 2025
- December Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 39,131 156,165 75,000 208% Hook Up fees - - - Commercial Water Sales 600 1,575 - Supplemental Water Sales 12,985 27,300 Miscellaeous Income - 10 Late Charges (15) 865 450 192% Interest Income 10,171 68,706 500 13741% TOTAL REVENUES 62,872 254,621 75,950 335% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,790 5,819 5,700 102% Insurance 513 3,929 3,200 123% Legal Services - 2,360 1,000 236% Office Supplies & Postage 290 1,696 1,600 106% Taxes 10,065 9,980 825 1210% Telephone 529 1,979 1,850 107% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 13,187 25,763 14,175 182% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 14,507 58,029 42,000 138% Maintenance & Repairs 28,373 112,360 25,000 449% Water Testing 66 1,981 1,000 198% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 42,946 172,370 68,000 253% UTILITIES Electricity 6,487 34,244 25,000 137% TOTAL UTILITIES 6,487 34,244 25,000 137% TOTAL EXPENSES 62,620 232,377 107,175 217% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) 252 22,244 (31,225) -71% - December 10, 2024
- Quarterly Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 39,711 117,034 75,000 156% Hook Up fees - - - Commercial Water Sales 150 975 - Supplemental Water Sales 14,305 14,315 Miscellaeous Income 10 10 Late Charges 251 880 450 196% Interest Income 8,777 54,531 500 10906% TOTAL REVENUES 63,204 187,745 75,950 247% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,399 4,029 5,700 71% Insurance - 3,416 3,200 107% Legal Services 1,360 2,360 1,000 236% Office Supplies & Postage 472 1,406 1,600 88% Taxes - (85) 825 -10% Telephone 488 1,450 1,850 78% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 3,719 12,576 14,175 89% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 14,507 43,522 42,000 104% Maintenance & Repairs 51,251 83,986 25,000 336% Water Testing 1,076 1,915 1,000 192% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 66,834 129,423 68,000 190% UTILITIES Electricity 11,955 27,757 25,000 111% TOTAL UTILITIES 11,955 27,757 25,000 111% TOTAL EXPENSES 82,508 169,756 107,175 158% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) (19,304) 17,989 (31,225) -58% - October 3, 2024
- Annual Meeting Minutes
Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company
September 28, 2024 Annual Meeting
The Annual meeting of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company called to order at 9 AM by David Richman.
Members Present
Board Members David Richman, Blair Hafner and Hal Cady.
Shareholders Present
Patty Stump and Kitty VanSteel
President Remarks
I would like to thank the two shareholders and board members who attended the yearly meeting. Blair has been on the Board since 1990; David since 1992; and Hal for about 10 years.
There has been little interest in the operations of the Water Company by shareholders. The board is getting older and David, who has run the Company for years, now is moving to Spain for several months at a time. David will be able to manage some things by internet but not all.
One of Company's operators has turned in his letter of resignation leaving only one left. Bob Lavagnino renewed his operator's license for two more years but may not renew it again. If this trend continues, we may have to hire a Management Company to run the water system. There is a lack of interest in the water company as few shareholders show up at meetings and have little interest in the water company operation. More shareholder participation is required at meetings and with operations.
We need volunteers to serve on the Board. Board members receive a $300 annual credit to their water bill. Institutional knowledge will be lost without new participants.
If you know of anyone who would like to become an operator, we are looking for referrals for an operator in training, a paid position.
The water company tries to operate as efficiently as possible. We do not have an office, nor any full-time employees….
The return of proxies for the annual meeting is an important responsibility of yours, as a shareholder. Only 7 proxies were submitted this year, out of a potential 178 current shareholders. One would think that this could be significantly higher.
A motion was made to accept last year's minutes by Blair Hafner, seconded by Hal Cady. Motion passed unanimously.
System Update
Telemetry is working good, Sierra Controls replaced telemetry in the water tanks and replaced it again at no charge.
Well 3 is working normally, with wells 1 and 4 in standby mode, due to higher and unacceptable uranium levels, and are exercised periodically. Well 2 is a monitoring well. Well 5 is currently out of service. Well 5 was operating normally until it stopped replenishing its water supply. The well's piping and pump were pulled, and the lining was scoped with a camera. The perforations in the well casing were found to be 80 percent blocked. The lining was scrubbed but remained 20 percent blocked. David is looking into other options to clear the remaining 20 percent blockage. It is still unknown if well 5 will be a working well again until the pump and its piping is reinstalled. If the well cannot be brought back online, we will have to drill a new well to replace it. Right now, we only have well 3 in operation and may have to consider limiting water usage until the problem is resolved.
The pressure reducing station at well 3 was rebuilt last year, but it needs to be relocated to a dryer location, it is located below the water table level and is always wet, contributing to maintenance issues.
Water consumption was up this year along with the supplemental billing.
August 2024 supplemental billing was $9855/ 26 units
September 2024 supplemental billing was $13,005/ 37 units
September 2023 supplemental billing was $4540/ 27 units
September 2022 supplemental billing was $3990/ 33 units
September 2021 supplemental billing was $46,000/ 46 units
Financially there has been no rate increases for two years and depending to the outcome of well 5, it looks like a rate increase is not necessary. Due to a good return rate on our investments, we have approximately 1.1 million dollars in reserve.
There were minimal outside water sales this year. Next year we may have water sales with possible upgrades to highway 395.
There is a well 3 easement issue, a title was not transferred to the MMMWC in 1990. The easement needs to be transfer from Sierra Springs Homeowners Association to Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company. Sierra Springs will address this issue at their annual meeting in November.
The attending shareholders had no questions for the board at this time.
A quorum was not present with proxies so the board will remain the same.
A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by David Richman and seconded by Blair Hafner motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 AM.
Minutes submitted by Hal Cady
- September 16, 2024
- June Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 39,111 77,322 75,000 103% Hook Up fees - - - Commercial Water Sales 225 825 - Supplemental Water Sales 10 10 Miscellaeous Income (120) - Late Charges 280 629 450 140% Interest Income 16,509 45,754 500 9151% TOTAL REVENUES 56,015 124,540 75,950 164% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,218 2,631 5,700 46% Insurance - 3,416 3,200 107% Legal Services - 1,000 1,000 100% Office Supplies & Postage 244 934 1,600 58% Taxes (85) (85) 825 -10% Telephone 484 961 1,850 52% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 1,861 8,857 14,175 62% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 14,507 29,014 42,000 69% Maintenance & Repairs 15,561 32,735 25,000 131% Water Testing 795 839 1,000 84% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 30,863 62,588 68,000 92% UTILITIES Electricity 9,017 15,802 25,000 63% TOTAL UTILITIES 9,017 15,802 25,000 63% TOTAL EXPENSES 41,741 87,247 107,175 81% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) 14,274 37,293 (31,225) -119% - August 23, 2024
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company (“MMMWC”) will be held at the Crowley Lake Community Center at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 28, 2024 for the following purposes:
1. President’s opening remarks.
2. Approve the minutes of the 2022 annual meeting.
3. Review financial status, capital expenditures and financial needs.
4. Provide update on wells and system
5. Discuss water conservation policies, commercial water sales and rate structure
6. System Operator status
7. Discuss any other business that comes before the Shareholders.
8. Elect new Board of Directors.
Only the Shareholders of record at the close of business on September 27, 2024 will be entitled to vote at the meeting.
The undersigned owner(s) of Lot no. _____________, Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company acknowledge the receipt of a copy of the notice of Annual Meeting and hereby appoint___________________________________________, as proxy of the undersigned, with full power of substitution, to vote the membership unit standing in the name of the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of the members of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company, to be held Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 9:00a.m. and any adjournment or adjournments thereof, upon such matters as may properly come before the meeting.
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