News from 8/14/17 12:00am to 2/22/18 12:00am
- February 22, 2018
October 22, 2017
The meeting of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company was called to order at 9 AM by Bill Archibald, president.Members Present
Board members present – Bill Archibald, David Richman, Blair Hafner, Christopher Klein and Hal Cady. Shareholders present- Kitty Van Stelle, Kirk Williams and Supervisor Fred Stump.President Comments
The minutes were silently read and the motion for approval was made by Chris and seconded by Blair, unanimously approved 5-0.Financial Status
As of June 30, 2017 the operating fund had $390,595.95. This includes the replacement fund and operating account and clients who have prepaid their water bills.Water System Status
All wells and telemetry are up and operational.
The telemetry system and wireless modem was updated with features that allow for easier remote operation.
The tanks were inspected and sediment was removed. Tank 1 has some rust and will need cleaning, rust removal and re-coating. This work will be performed this summer. Tank 2 is OK.
The last meter reading for the year was on October 01, 2017.Conservation
The water usage was up 10% from last year. There was $25,550.00 in water use overage charges this year as compared to $21,055 .00 overage use charges last year.
The well water levels for the most are higher this year than recent years and have generally recovered to pre-drought levels. The well levels are as follows:
Well 1 Well 3 Well 5
2014 30.5 FT 59.1 FT 99.2
2017 16.4FT 47.6 FT 98.6
The above water levels are in feet below the surface.
Well 1 is in Back-up now and wells 3 and 5 are now the main use wells.New Business by Shareholders
Fred Stump (shareholder and Supervisor) discussed several State water bills:
SB 623- The state will impose a monthly .95 cent fee per water connection per month. This fee would go up with usage and main size and will be implemented in 2020. This fee doesn’t apply to the MMMWC as it requires 200 or more water connections. We currently have about 120 connections.
Sustainable Ground Water Act. This impacts the amount of water which can be drawn out of identified areas and requires a plan for usage be submitted to the state. Our water company was not in an area affected by this law yet.
A shareholder inquired and the board discussed how the Company came up with 160,000 gallon water usage figure as the baseline. It was explained that this is the level the system was engineered for at build-out.New Business
A shareholder asked the board for an exemption for over usage due to a water leak. The board discussed water over usage due to leaks, and delinquent payments.
The board voted on 3 separate proposals on the above mentioned exemption.
1. All over usage forgiven- 2 yes votes, 2 no votes and 1 abstained. Motion did not pass
2. Partial forgiveness- 2 yes votes, 2 no votes and 1 abstained. Motion did not pass.
3. No forgiveness- 2 yes votes, 3 no votes. Motion did not pass.
The motion was made by Blair and seconded by David the reads as follows:
The Board will not waive water over usage fees for any reason. The Board will allow the Share Holder to set up a payment schedule with is acceptable to both the Board and Shareholder. The Shareholder must remain current with all payments on the payment schedule. In return the Board will waive the late fees incurred by the Shareholder.
The board voted 4 -0 with 1 abstention. The motion Passed.
Election of Board Members
There were 8 voting members present and 4 proxies submitted. This was not enough for a quorum. The board voted 5-0 to keep the same board.Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 AM- January 28, 2018
- 2017 Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 37,233 89,432 75,000 119% Hook Up fees - 10,000 - Commercial Water Sales 250 1,300 - Late Charges 145 472 450 105% Interest Income 351 1,304 500 261% Miscellaneous Income - (40) - TOTAL REVENUES 37,979 102,468 75,950 135% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,001 4,607 5,700 81% Insurance 608 2,643 3,200 83% Legal Services - - 1,000 0% Office Supplies & Postage 608 1,225 1,600 77% Taxes - 825 825 100% Telephone 240 1,540 1,395 110% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2,457 10,840 13,720 79% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 10,483 41,932 42,000 100% Maintenance & Repairs 6,058 22,157 25,000 89% Water Testing - 764 1,000 76% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 16,541 64,853 68,000 95% UTILITIES Electricity 4,580 21,645 30,000 72% TOTAL UTILITIES 4,580 21,645 30,000 72% TOTAL EXPENSES 23,578 97,338 111,720 87% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) 14,401 5,130 (35,770) -14% - November 13, 2017
- Quarterly Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 20,063 52,199 75,000 70% Hook Up fees - 10,000 - Commercial Water Sales 675 1,050 - Late Charges 141 327 450 73% Interest Income 339 953 500 191% Miscellaneous Income - (40) - TOTAL REVENUES 21,218 64,489 75,950 85% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,466 3,607 5,700 63% Insurance 608 2,035 3,200 64% Legal Services - - 1,000 0% Office Supplies & Postage 184 617 1,600 39% Taxes 800 825 825 100% Telephone 359 1,300 1,395 93% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 3,417 8,384 13,720 61% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 10,483 31,449 42,000 75% Maintenance & Repairs 6,787 16,099 25,000 64% Water Testing - 764 1,000 76% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 17,270 48,312 68,000 71% UTILITIES Electricity 7,774 17,066 30,000 57% TOTAL UTILITIES 7,774 17,066 30,000 57% TOTAL EXPENSES 28,461 73,762 111,720 66% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) (7,243) (9,273) (35,770) 26% - August 17, 2017
Meeting Minutes July 28, 2017
The meeting of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company was called to order at 7:00 PM by Bill Archibald, president.
Board Members- Bill Archibald, David Richman, Blair Hafner and Hal Cady. Absent, Christopher Kline.
Approval of Minutes
The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by the board.System Report
The telemetry was upgraded. David explained the new ability to monitor and operate the entire system via the internet.
Water tanks 1 and 2 were inspected and tank 1 had sediment removed. The tanks were chlorinated after cleaning.
There were problems reading one resident’s meter. Contact will be made to correct the issue.
The ground water levels on the three wells in use showed a slight improvement. The levels are as follows:
July 2017 January 2017 October 2015
Well 1- 18.6 feet 33.4 feet 31.4 feet
Well 3- 47.1 feet 48.1 feet 54.9 feet
Well 5- 101.7 102.1 feet 136.4 feet
These numbers are the measurement from ground level to top to the ground water level.
Overall we are within our allocated budget.
Revenues 57%
Administrative Expenses 36%
Maintenance, Supplies, Depreciation 46%
Utilities 31%
60,000 dollars was transferred from Operating funds to Reserve funds.
We are selling water to RACE Communications and ORMAT Geothermal.
Several customers are behind in payments and we are working to collect monies owed.
The board discussed several customers’ requests for adjustments due to leaks, hardships, etc. Board will decide on case by case bases.
Resident complained of low water pressure. The problem was handled by David.
Brush is being cleared by wells and tanks.
Notice was sent to owners to remove brush by meters. If not cleared MMMWC will have the brush removed for a charge.
Water usage is up from last year. 3,584,000 this year compared to 2,890,000 at this time last year.
Annual meeting will be some Saturday in October depending on the availability of the Community Center. The meeting will be announced by flyer.
Meeting adjourned at 7:50PM- August 14, 2017
Annual Meeting - Hold the Date!
October 21st at 9:00am
Crowley Lake Community Center