News from 10/18/18 12:00am to 5/21/19 12:00am
- May 21, 2019
New Meter Reading System ---
As we switch over to a new meter reading system, monthly readings may be impacted.
- May 2, 2019
- Quarterly Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 16,057 16,057 75,000 21% Hook Up fees - - - Commercial Water Sales - - - Late Charges 134 134 450 30% Interest Income 1,458 1,458 500 292% Miscellaneous Income - - - TOTAL REVENUES 17,649 17,649 75,950 23% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 988 988 5,700 17% Insurance 614 614 3,200 19% Legal Services - - 1,000 0% Office Supplies & Postage 209 209 1,600 13% Taxes - - 825 0% Telephone 614 614 1,600 38% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2,425 2,425 13,925 17% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 17,208 17,208 42,000 41% Maintenance & Repairs 4,993 4,993 25,000 20% Water Testing 677 677 1,000 68% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 22,878 22,878 68,000 34% UTILITIES Electricity 2,985 2,985 25,000 12% TOTAL UTILITIES 2,985 2,985 25,000 12% TOTAL EXPENSES 28,288 28,288 106,925 26% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) (10,639) (10,639) (30,975) 34% - February 6, 2019
- Quarterly Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 35,252 88,142 75,000 118% Hook Up fees - 5,000 - Commercial Water Sales 7,050 7,675 - Late Charges 159 484 450 108% Interest Income 1,500 3,722 500 744% Miscellaneous Income - (40) - TOTAL REVENUES 43,961 104,982 75,950 138% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,271 4,407 5,700 77% Insurance 614 2,450 3,200 77% Legal Services - - 1,000 0% Office Supplies & Postage 168 1,179 1,600 74% Taxes - 825 825 100% Telephone 315 1,522 1,600 95% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2,368 10,384 13,925 75% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 10,483 41,932 42,000 100% Maintenance & Repairs 34,280 48,449 25,000 194% Water Testing - 1,124 1,000 112% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 44,763 91,505 68,000 135% UTILITIES Electricity 4,968 22,121 25,000 88% TOTAL UTILITIES 4,968 22,121 25,000 88% TOTAL EXPENSES 52,099 124,009 106,925 116% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) (8,138) (19,027) (30,975) 61% - October 20, 2018
October 22, 2018
The meeting of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company was called to order at 9:05 AM by David Richman Vice PresidentMembers Present
Board members present – David Richman, Blair Hafner, Christopher Klein and Hal Cady. Absent-Bill Archibald. Shareholders present- Kitty Van Stelle.Minutes
The motion for approval of the Annual October 22, 2017 was made by Chris Klein and seconded by Blair Hafner, unanimously approved 4-0.
Financial Status
As of September 30, 2018 the operating fund had $585,558. This includes the replacement fund and clients who have prepaid their water bills.
Water Rates/ Usage
The rate schedule and water tiers will remain unchanged for this year.
Water usage remained about the same as last year. As of September 2018 there were 38 water users over the first tier of water usage for a total of $11,000 in extra fees. At this time last year there were 35 water users over the first tier for a total of $8,385.00 in extra fees. The overall overage charges were greater in 2017 than 2018.Page 2
Water System Status
All the well water levels remained relatively static during the summer. (Water level is in feet below grade).
September 2018 February 2017
Wells 1 and 4 18.2 feet 14 feet
Well 3 51.5 feet 49.3 feet
Well 5 96.5 feet 96 feet
Well 4 has a fuse blowing issue and went out of service. Also we are still waiting on parts to repair the check valve on well 4 and will evaluate what is wrong with pump 4 when the check valve has been repaired. This is a backup pump for the system.
Wells 1, 3 and five are still in service with no problems. Well 1 is also a backup pump for the system
The telemetry system is up and operating well.
Tank 1 has been drained and the rust has been ground off. We are now waiting on epoxy paint to complete the tank repairs.
Two water meters are not reading with the tap reader and one meter needs repair.
The board discussed the need to replace the current tap reader system. The reader is operating in a Windows 7 format and the company is no longer updating the system.
The new system that David would like to purchase is made by Zenner. They make three levels of meter readers and he would like to purchase the mid-level reader. This would allow the meters to be read by either walking or driving by them. The reader would provide monthly leak detection. (It stores a month of hourly water usage information in memory, but the meters are only read on a monthly basis.) The system can be upgraded to the next level at any time.
The cost to buy this system would be about $20,000.00. This would include replacing the sensors in all of the 117 water meters at the cost of $120.00 per meter and the equipment required to convert over to the new system.Page 3
Christopher Klein made a motion to replace the existing water meter reading system to the Zenner meter reading system. The motion was seconded by Blair Hafner. The motion was passed unanimously.
Installation of the system will begin in the spring. Both systems will be used until installation of the new system has been completed.New Business by Shareholders
NoneElection of Board Members
There were 4 voting members present and 8 proxies submitted. This was not enough for a quorum. The board will remain the same.Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 AM- October 18, 2018
- Quarterly Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 20,118 52,890 75,000 71% Hook Up fees - 5,000 - Commercial Water Sales 250 625 - Late Charges 81 325 450 72% Interest Income 858 2,222 500 444% Miscellaneous Income 40 (40) - TOTAL REVENUES 21,347 61,021 75,950 80% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,139 3,136 5,700 55% Insurance 614 1,836 3,200 57% Legal Services - - 1,000 0% Office Supplies & Postage 639 1,011 1,600 63% Taxes 800 825 825 100% Telephone 365 1,207 1,600 75% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 3,557 8,016 13,925 58% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 10,483 31,449 42,000 75% Maintenance & Repairs 5,325 14,169 25,000 57% Water Testing 360 1,124 1,000 112% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 16,168 46,742 68,000 69% UTILITIES Electricity 8,585 17,152 25,000 69% TOTAL UTILITIES 8,585 17,152 25,000 69% TOTAL EXPENSES 28,310 71,909 106,925 67% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) (6,963) (10,888) (30,975) 35%