News from 7/15/20 12:00am to 10/18/20 12:00am
- October 18, 2020
- Financials September 30, 2020
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 21,930 55,692 75,000 74% Hook Up fees - 11,000 - Commercial Water Sales 450 1,000 - Late Charges 35 245 450 54% Interest Income 461 3,383 500 677% TOTAL REVENUES 22,876 71,320 75,950 94% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,000 3,035 5,700 53% Insurance 624 1,866 3,200 58% Legal Services - - 1,000 0% Office Supplies & Postage 2,598 2,906 1,600 182% Taxes 25 25 825 3% Telephone 480 1,422 1,850 77% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 4,727 9,254 14,175 65% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 17,208 51,625 42,000 123% Maintenance & Repairs 4,505 12,605 25,000 50% Water Testing 1,370 3,432 1,000 343% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 23,083 67,662 68,000 100% UTILITIES Electricity 8,335 16,249 25,000 65% TOTAL UTILITIES 8,335 16,249 25,000 65% TOTAL EXPENSES 36,145 93,165 107,175 87% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) (13,269) (21,845) (31,225) 70% - October 17, 2020
Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company
Annual Meeting
October 17, 2020
This meeting was conducted remotely on zoom due to Community Center closure due to Covid 19.Opening
The meeting Of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company was called to order at
9:01AM by Bill Archibald, President.
Members Present
Board Members Present- Bill Archibald, David Richman, Blair Hafner and Hal Cady.
Subscriber’s Present- Kitty Van Steel, Supervisor Fred Stump, Russel and Rienhart.
President’s Comments
President Bill Archibald thanked Board member/ Operations Manager David Richman for all the hard work that he has put into the Emergency Generator Project for well 3.
Last year’s minutes were not available at this time and were not approved.
Financial Status
As of September 31, 2020, the replacement fund had $541,387.00 in it and the operation fund had $151,067.00.
There will be an increase in lab testing fees for water quality. Due to a mistake made by the lab well 3 will need to be tested three times this year in order to obtain a county waiver for water quality.
Water System Status
All wells and telemetry are up and operational
There were two new water meter hook-ups this year.
Well levels remained the same
Currently David Richman is working on completion of the installation of the emergency generator approved last year. A 50 Kw propane generator and propane tank to support it has been purchased and is being installed, a long-complicated process. This generator should be in service by mid-November for use during power outages. So far about $40,000.00 of the budgeted $60,000.00 has been spent.
System Maintenance
Valves exercised and debris removed. One valve may need replacement next spring.
Shareholder Questions
A shareholder asked if there could be an increase in the allotted water usage amount and could the rates be reduced. There was a discussion, and the shareholder was informed that water system was designed for 160,000 gallons of water per user. The fees were designed to prevent over usage of water. According to Supervisor Stump the State will be re- assessing water usage and imposing more water restrictions.
Old Business
President Archibald wanted to remind everyone about P.O.I.S.O.N(power outage irrigation policy). In the event of a planned or accidental power outage, outside irrigation will be suspended until an end of the event. MMMWC will try to e-mail residents of the outage. If outside watering continues after the outage the MMMWC will turn off water to the residence. There will be a $300.00 fee to turn the water back on. This measure is to ensure that the water stored in the system is not depleted.
New Business
The board discussed individual metering of the Three Condo complexes that MMMWC serves, this would require the instillation of about 28 meters. The state is requiring that each residence have an individual water meter by 2025. Currently Moutain Meadows and Pinon Springs only have a meter for irrigation water use.
Blair Hafner made a motion that the MMMWC provide and install a meter to each Condo owner starting next year (2021).
The motion was seconded by Hal Cady.
The motion passed unanimously.
Election of Officers
A quorum was not present. The board will remain the same.
Meeting Adjournment
President Bill Archibald adjourned the meeting at 9:39AM- October 14, 2020
- Quarterly Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 17,350 33,762 75,000 45% Hook Up fees 5,500 11,000 - Commercial Water Sales 150 550 - Late Charges 127 210 450 47% Interest Income 1,228 2,922 500 584% TOTAL REVENUES 24,355 48,444 75,950 64% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 978 2,036 5,700 36% Insurance 624 1,242 3,200 39% Legal Services - - 1,000 0% Office Supplies & Postage 147 309 1,600 19% Taxes - - 825 0% Telephone 471 942 1,850 51% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2,220 4,529 14,175 32% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 17,208 34,417 42,000 82% Maintenance & Repairs (2,275) 8,100 25,000 32% Water Testing - 2,062 1,000 206% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 14,933 44,579 68,000 66% UTILITIES Electricity 4,753 7,914 25,000 32% TOTAL UTILITIES 4,753 7,914 25,000 32% TOTAL EXPENSES 21,906 57,022 107,175 53% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) 2,449 (8,578) (31,225) 27% - October 9, 2020
Virtual Annual Meeting
The annual meeting will be held via Zoom this year. We will be sending out the link Saturday morning, October 17th, just prior to the meeting. Please make sure you are registered on the website to receive your link.
- July 15, 2020
The annual shareholder meeting will be held on Saturday October 17th, 9:00am, at the community center.