News from 9/21/21 12:00am to 1/6/22 12:00am
- January 6, 2022
The MMMWC will hold a board meeting on Friday January 14th at 4:00 pm via zoom, to discuss the adoption of a Cross-Connection Control Program pursuant to the California Administrative Code Title 17, California Code of Regulations. If you wish to attend, please let David know via e-mail at
- October 23, 2021
Annual Meeting October 16, 2021
Mountain Meadows Mutual Water CompanyOpening
The Annual meeting of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company was called to order at 9:03 AM by David Richman.Members Present
Board Members David Richman, Blair Hafner and Hal Cady.Owners Present
Kitty Van SteeleMinutes
A motion was made to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2020 Annual Zoom meeting by Blair Hafner, seconded by David Richman. Board unanimously approved the minutes.Financial Status
The MMMWC has nearly $800,000.00 dollars in the bank. MMMWC has made $62,000.00 in additional income this year by selling water for construction projects. Because of the additional income from commercial sales, the water rates will remain the same as last year. However, we need to keep in mind that portions of the system are over 40 years old and will need replacement and upgrades in the future.Wells and system
Wells 3 and 5 are operating fine and the ground water levels remain about the same as last year. The uranium levels in wells 1 and 4 have tested below the maximum allowable level for uranium and the MMMWC will be filing the paperwork to get the wells recertified for use by the proper water agencies. Issues with the radio system with the water meters have been resolved and they are up and operational. The emergency generator is up and running.
There have been issues with the quality of the power provided by SCE which is causing problems with some of the well controls. David is monitoring the situation. Solar panels are being installed at wells 3 and 5 along with the generator to keep batteries charged during power failures.Update of the operational manual
Tim Rudolph is working on updating the MMMWC’s operational manual. When completed the operation manual will be more user friendly and will decrease David Richman’s workload and allow for an easier change of management if David should ever retire.Water conservation
Water usage was up 10% this year. There were 46 supplemental billings totaling $61,000.00 as compared to 51 supplemental billings totaling $34,000 last year.
If next year remains a dry year, the state, may enforce water rationing so pray for rain or snow.The board discussed the water overage use billing with a homeowner.
The Proxies were counted, and a quorum was not reached. All board members agreed to remain on the Board. David Richman was elected President, Hal Cady will remain as Secretary and Blair Hafner will remain member at large.The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 AM.
- October 14, 2021
- September Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 33,568 67,807 75,000 90% Hook Up fees - 5,500 - Commercial Water Sales 28,414 62,539 - Late Charges (485) (151) 450 -34% Interest Income 264 1,389 500 278% TOTAL REVENUES 61,761 137,084 75,950 180% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,043 3,146 5,700 55% Insurance - 3,273 3,200 102% Legal Services 2,382 2,382 1,000 238% Office Supplies & Postage 723 1,841 1,600 115% Taxes - 25 825 3% Telephone 765 2,137 1,850 116% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 4,913 12,804 14,175 90% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 17,208 51,625 42,000 123% Maintenance & Repairs 26,812 42,924 25,000 172% Water Testing 366 1,682 1,000 168% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 44,386 96,231 68,000 142% UTILITIES Electricity 9,427 19,406 25,000 78% TOTAL UTILITIES 9,427 19,406 25,000 78% TOTAL EXPENSES 58,726 128,441 107,175 120% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) 3,035 8,643 (31,225) -28% - - September 30, 2021
Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company
September 27, 2021 Board MeetingOpening
The Zoom meeting of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company was called to order at
4 PM by David Richman
Members Present
Board Members Present- David Richman, Blair Hafner and Hal Cady.
The minutes of the July 4,2021 were approved by the board.
President Bill Archibald resigned his position on the board effective September 1, 2021.
Sierra Meadows Development
An e-mail was sent to the board by a resident concerned that the remaining Sierra Meadows lots were going to be sold and built as Condos. They asked if the water Company would have enough pumping capacity to supply the change. Board member Richman replied to the E-mail the board position is that each lot had one share for one resident equivalency unit (REU). The water system only has sufficient water to handle the existing and allocated shares at buildout. Any more shares would require a new well, of sufficient capacity and water quality to be paid for by the applicant.
Replacement for Bob Lavagnino
Bob’s last day is October 1, 2021. Bob will be replaced by Clay Murray of Aqueous Solutions.
Water Permit from Mono County
The County has issued the MMMWC a new permit. MMMWC is currently working with the County on updating some incorrect information in the permit.
Water Sales
The Water sales will continue for road projects in the area for about another month. The Sales have added about $20,000/month to the general fund.
Meeting adjourned at 4:15PM- September 21, 2021
Board Meeting
A Board meeting will be held on Monday September 27th at 4:00pm via zoom. If you would like to attend, please request a link from the Board at
The agenda is review and preparation for the annual meeting to be held in October.