News from 10/1/22 12:00am to 10/29/22 12:00am
- October 29, 2022
We will hold an informational meeting at the Community Center on November 12 at 3:00pm to answer any questions regarding the recent annual meeting and rate changes.
- October 28, 2022
Annual Meeting Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company
October 23,2022
The Annual meeting of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company called to order at 9:04 AM by David Richman.
Members Present
Board Members David Richman, Blair Hafner and Hal Cady.
Shareholders Present
Kitty Van Steele, Beth Woodard, Ron Hayes, Fred Stump and Linda Kennedy
President Remarks of the 310 potential shares we have 127 e-mail addresses on file, this is after numerous attempts requesting them. People are not signing up for e-mail notification. If not for David’s work, water would not be flowing.
It has been a busy year, there has been changes to the state laws regarding water districts. David e-mailed a cross-connection survey to all shareholders, only a few surveys where returned. David sent additional e-mails, followed by actual mail and finally he posted notices on non-responder’s doors warning of non-compliance and that the property owner would incur a fee if the property owner failed to fill out the notice. Currently there is one property owner who has not responded.
Meter reading is going well, David replaced several batteries and was provided thirty more battery sets free of charge from the manufacturer. There were several shareholders who expressed concerns about the actual readings. David took meter readings for three consecutive months at 2- week, 6-week then back to normal 4-week intervals while David was on vacation, therefore, the water usage was different for 3 months.
David also notifies the five highest water by e-mail monthly and yet heard back from none.
Wells and system
Last year, Clay Murry replaced Bob Lavagnino and we use his water certification to do the monthly water testing.
The water valves and hydrants were manually exercised this year, this procedure needs to be done once every 2 years. One hydrant had an issue and needed further work. Two oil plugs on the hydrants were replaced and four more were ordered.
David had to raise several valve covers along the roadway due to elevation changes after the paving project. Only one valve still needs to be raised.
Two air blow off assemblies are to be installed by MMMWC with one more on order.
There is a booster pump leak, and it will take 6 months to receive the parts to replace (supply issue).
Well 3 is out of service due to a problem with the pump that caused a turbidity issue, we are working on replacing it and cleaning the well casing, again another supply delay.
Updated the telemetry and reprogramed wells 1,3,4 and 5. Work is being done on the water tank telemetry upgrade.
Started installing water meters in Mountain Meadows Condos. This project will take two years to complete. Pinion Springs Condos will also require metering but will need a meter pit installed or the meters placed in the garage.
Working with the county to have wells 1 and 4 placed back online that are currently offline due to high uranium levels. Both wells are offline except for emergency use.
The website is being updated to meet current security needs and the e-mail system has been updated to hopefully avoid e-mails going to spam.
We currently have approximately 1million dollars in reserve and in the general fund. Last year MMMWC made a profit for the first time and had to pay income tax. We made $100,000.00 from water sales to construction projects last year and $75,000.00 this year. There are currently no projected water sales for next year.
MMMWC has made a change in investment strategies. We have reinvested the money with another bank and a broker. Previously we were earning 0.1% and now we are earning between 1% and 4.5% interest, in CD’s and Treasury Bonds.
Even though there is a surplus of a million dollars in reserve we have an aging water system which requires maintenance, repairs, and replacement. Valves need replacing, water tanks are inspected every 4 years, which was just accomplished. We also are investigating a water mixing system which would allow us to bring wells 1 and 4 back online by blending water from all wells together. David talked with a water system engineer about designing a controlled mixing system involving check valves and new main lines by David’s property. The cost would be about $200,000.00 although this is being examined further. Wells 1 and 4 would provide more water than wells 3 and 5 currently provide. We currently have a D-1 water operators’ certification but would need to obtain a T-1 operators’ certification with this change.
Water consumption was down this year from last year with the ground water levels remaining the same.
Answered shareholders questions about fees and water drawdown.
Water operations
As of January 1, 2023, David will be stepping down as the Operations Manager, which he has been doing for many years and being minimally compensated. David has been advertising for a water systems operator for over two months with no real expressed interest. The job would be part-time and require a D-1 operator certification. The company received one response from someone who stated they were really not interested and ultimately would require a monthly expenditure of $4000 plus trip charges. Another option would be for David Richman and Bob Lavagnino running the water system operations while training Jimmy Greenleaf and Joe Donovan on the operations of the water system and obtaining a D-1 operations certificate. This process would take about 2 years after which David and Bob would step down. The price would be $5,000.00 a month. After discussion, Blair made a motion to proceed with the training of Jimmy Greenleaf and Joe Donovan with the supervision from David Richman and Bob Lavagnino as system operators for the MMMWC as of November 1, 2022. Hal seconded the motion. The motion passed 2-0. David recused himself due to conflict of interest.
David made a motion to raise the water rates by $35.00 for active accounts and to $20.00 for standby accounts to pay for the Water Operator Costs effective January 1, 2023. Hal seconded the motion. The motion was discussed and brought to a vote. The board approved the motion 3-0.
The board approved the 2021 yearly meeting minutes.
The board counted the proxies, and the required quorum was not reached. All present board members agreed to remain on the board in their current positions, David Richman President, Hal Cady Secretary and Blair Hafner Member at large.
The meeting was adjourned by the board at 11:26 AM
There will be an informational meeting on the MMMWC on November 12, 2022 at the Crowley Lake Community Center at 3:00 PM until 4:00pm to discuss the water rate increase.
Minutes submitted by Hal Cady
- October 17, 2022
Website Maintenance will occur again on October 19th and 20th. The website will be down.
- October 14, 2022
- Quarterly Financials
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 17,509 51,943 75,000 69% Hook Up fees - - - Commercial Water Sales 29,000 63,708 - Late Charges 137 922 450 205% Interest Income 376 1,259 500 252% Miscellaneous Income 400 400 - Supplemental Water Assessment 1,675 1,675 - TOTAL REVENUES 49,097 119,907 75,950 158% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,600 4,122 5,700 72% Insurance - 3,108 3,200 97% Legal Services - 405 1,000 41% Office Supplies & Postage 430 1,315 1,600 82% Taxes - (6) 825 -1% Telephone 437 1,284 1,850 69% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2,467 10,228 14,175 72% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 17,208 51,625 42,000 123% Maintenance & Repairs 22,464 54,607 25,000 218% Water Testing 927 1,341 925 145% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 40,599 107,573 67,925 158% UTILITIES Electricity 10,833 22,761 25,000 91% TOTAL UTILITIES 10,833 22,761 25,000 91% TOTAL EXPENSES 53,899 140,562 107,100 131% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) (4,802) (20,655) (31,150) 66% - October 1, 2022
The September meter readings can be found on the website.
This is the last reading for your annual allotment.
Short days. Cool Nights. Time to shut down your irrigation system.Remember, the annual meeting is on October 22nd at 9:00am at the community center.