News from 8/14/14 12:00am to 1/19/15 12:00am
- January 19, 2015
- Financial Report
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 27,438 72,130 68,845 105% Hook Up fees 5,000 5,000 - Commercial Water Sales 315 565 - Late Charges 222 941 450 209% Interest Income 30 49 50 98% Miscellaneous Income - - - TOTAL REVENUES 33,005 78,685 69,345 113% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,134 4,908 5,700 86% Insurance 693 2,745 4,500 61% Legal Services 250 250 1,000 25% Office Supplies & Postage 596 1,400 1,600 88% Taxes - 825 825 100% Telephone 135 543 720 75% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2,808 10,671 14,345 74% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 10,483 69,836 69,836 100% Maintenance & Repairs 4,700 23,311 25,000 93% Water Testing - 647 1,000 65% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 15,183 93,794 95,836 98% UTILITIES Electricity 6,438 32,377 29,000 112% TOTAL UTILITIES 6,438 32,377 29,000 112% TOTAL EXPENSES 24,429 136,842 139,181 98% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) 8,576 (58,157) (69,836) 83% - October 30, 2014
October 25, 2014
The meeting of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company was called to order at 9:00 on October 25, 2014 at the Crowley Lake Community Center by Bill Archibald, president.
Bill Archibald, David Richman, Blair Hafner, Hal Cady - board members. Also present Kitty Van Stelle, Cynthia Cady, Linda Kennedy and Christopher Klein
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the last Annual meeting were approved.
Financial Report
The reserve has $114,000 in it. The reserve amount will go up with the last quarter billing. There is no shut off notices pending. Cost of maintenance and electricity is going up.
Edison is going to change the way they bill. The will be billing us with a time of day usage. David will find out more when Edison sends him more information.
Report of road construction water truck using hydrant for Highway 395 roadwork. Dave investigated and found this to be the case. David told the construction company to cease and desist and charge fee for water used.
System Report
Talked about system improvements:
Tank 2
Well 5
New pump for well 3
Upgrading the telemetry
Everyone now metered
Discussed back flow preventers for Condos
Conservation Measures
Water usage is down from last year. We used as an average of 145,000 gallons per household, with a median of 134,000 gallons. The system is engineered for 160,000 gallons of water per year per single family residence. The least amount of water used was 32,000 gallons a year by a year round resident. The highest residential usage was 469,000 gallons a year.
This year the static water level has dropped on all wells. Wells 1 and 4 have dropped 1 ½ feet, well 3 has dropped 3 feet and well 5 has dropped 18 feet due to the drought. If the drought continues there might be problems with the wells.
The State has mandated water restrictions. We will only be able to water two days a week or show a 20% reduction in water usage.
Rate Discussion
The monthly base rate is due to increase to $65.00 per month in January 2015 as voted on by the board last year. Whiskey Creek water rate is currently $50.00 per month. The Board voted unanimously to increase the rate to $55.00 per month. The Board also adopted a rate plan for the Mountain Meadows and Pinyon Spring’s irrigation. This was based on water study done by Tim Rudolph for the condo usage and water allotments for irrigation.
Drought Rate Contingence Plan
The board approved a contingency plan if drought conditions persist. This contingency plan will double the fees placed over the amount of water used above 160,000 gallons, or as allotted for the condos. The new rates would be:
1st 100,000 gallons at $10.00 per 1000 gallons (up from the current rate of $5.00 per 1000 gallons
2nd 100,000 gallons at $15.00 per 1000 gallons (up from the current rate of $7.50 per 1000 gallons
3rd 100,000 gallons at $20.00 per 1000 gallons (up from the current rate of $10.00 per 1000 gallons
This a contingency plan only, the board will have a meeting in April 2015 to determine the drought status.
Other Business
Baseball concession stand has requested a meter hook-up to the water system. They will be charged the meter hook-up fee of $5,000.00 and will be billed at the base rate.
A question was raised regarding the ground water levels at the wells.
Election of Water Board Members
With members that were present and the proxies received there was not a quorum to hold the election. The board will remain the same.
We currently are short one member at large, Bill Archibald asked for a volunteer to fill the position. Chris Klein stated he would be willing to serve on the board. The board unanimously approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:25.
- October 21, 2014
- Quarterly Financial Report
Quarterly Financial Report Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 18,671 44,691 68,845 65% Hook Up fees - - - Commercial Water Sales - 250 - Late Charges 109 719 450 160% Interest Income 11 19 50 38% Miscellaneous Income - - - TOTAL REVENUES 18,791 45,679 69,345 66% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,433 3,774 5,700 66% Insurance 693 2,052 4,500 46% Legal Services - - 1,000 0% Office Supplies & Postage 308 804 1,600 50% Taxes 825 825 825 100% Telephone 135 407 720 57% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 3,394 7,861 14,345 55% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 10,483 59,353 69,836 85% Maintenance & Repairs 6,604 18,611 25,000 74% Water Testing 567 647 1,000 65% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 17,654 78,611 95,836 82% UTILITIES Electricity 13,631 25,939 29,000 89% TOTAL UTILITIES 13,631 25,939 29,000 89% TOTAL EXPENSES 34,679 112,411 139,181 81% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) (15,888) (66,732) (69,836) 96% - August 20, 2014
Meeting Minutes
August 7, 2014
The meeting of the Mountain Meadows Mutual Water Company was called to order at 1900 on August 7, 2014 at the Archibald house by Bill Archibald, president.
Bill Archibald, David Richman, Blair Hafner, Hal Cady - board members.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
The reserve has increased from the last meeting. The Company will open another bank account to take advantage of a higher interest rates.
System Report
All systems are working. . June usage of metered water was approximately the same as last year.
There is an issue with the high pressure alarm in the lower system. Well 5 continues to rapidly shut off and on, causing an alarm. Rocks were found and removed from valves and the well 5 draw down level was lowered. The problem is not resolved but the number of alarms has decreased- a work in progress
Impacts of the Drought
There is plenty of water for the current draw. However, the static water level has dropped on all wells. Wells 1 and 4 have dropped 1 ½ feet, well 3 has dropped 3 feet and well 5 has dropped 18 feet due to the drought.
New Business
1. Tim Rudolph is working on a water rate structure for all condo complexes.
2. There is an increase of the homeowners using the upper tiers levels of water usage from last year, total of 17 for $3,400. There is a great disparity of water usage per month; ranging anywhere from 2,000 gallons to 92,000 gallons per month. Notices will be sent to the 5 highest water users to check for possible water leaks and to advise of normal water consumption rates.
3. At the next meeting the annual water usage figures will be available. Another tier maybe added to the rate structure at the October meeting. Also we will be discussing water usage in drought conditions.Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 2045 by Bill Archibald, president. The next annual meeting will be October 25, 2014 at 0900 at the Crowley Lake Community Center.- August 14, 2014
- June 2014 Financial Review
Current Actual Annual % of Quarter Year to Date Budget Budget REVENUES Water Assessments 13,443 26,021 68,845 38% Hook Up fees - Commercial Water Sales - 250 - Late Charges 263 610 450 136% Insurance Proceeds - Interest Income 7 8 50 16% Miscellaneous Income - - - TOTAL REVENUES 13,713 26,889 69,345 39% ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Uncollectible Receivables - - Accounting Services 1,197 2,341 5,700 41% Insurance 681 1,358 4,500 30% Legal Services - - 1,000 0% Office Supplies & Postage 234 496 1,600 31% Taxes - - 825 0% Telephone 135 272 720 38% TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2,247 4,467 14,345 31% MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES Depreciation Expense 37,933 48,870 Maintenance & Repairs 5,658 12,007 25,000 48% Water Testing - 80 1,000 8% TOTAL MAINTENANCE & SUPPLIES 43,591 60,957 26,000 234% UTILITIES Electricity 6,806 12,308 29,000 42% TOTAL UTILITIES 6,806 12,308 29,000 42% TOTAL EXPENSES 52,644 77,732 69,345 112% REVENUE LESS EXPENSE (DEFICIT) (38,931) (50,843) -